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Birth 1871


Birth 1871, directed by Dakxin Bajarange, is a 1 hour film detailing the experience of DNTs.  Once considered “criminal tribes,” these groups became ostracized when the newly independent Indian state did not grant them constitutional recognition in the 1950s.  Without guaranteed opportunities for employment and continued social stigma, these groups turned to thievery and illicit liquor brewing to sustain themselves.  Today, these tribes continue to live in stigmatized communities throughout India, viewed by many as second-class citizens, with constant reminders of their image in society.  The end of the film highlights Budhan Theatre, one social organization in the Chhara community whose performances display the true and unedited realities of the brutality and struggles frequently faced.  Rejecting this status as second class citizens, it ends with the powerful line “we demand self respect.”

For more information on this film, please click the following link to be directed to the documentary's website.

Images of Chharanagar Library (above), location of film festival screenings.

Film Festival Nov - Feb


Beginning on November 1st, Budhan Theatre is hosting a film festival, organized by group member Kushal Batunge.  Films will be screened every two weeks in the Chharanagar Library, the first being And Gandhi Goes Missing by Devendra Shivaji Jadav.  All are welcome.  Please contact Kushal (information found on "Get To Know Us" page) for questions or more information.  Check our homepage regularly for announcements of upcoming films.

Theatre Workshop

Nov 3 - 5


From November 3rd to November 5th, Budhan Theatre is hosting a workshop for children's theatre, organized and run by Atish Indrekar.  He says, "The idea is to provide leadership opportunities to children. I started theatre at the age of nine, so I think this is the perfect time to step out and learn to express themselves. It will be a platform for children from the community and those from the mainstream to interact and understand about the denotified tribe.“  The workshop will be held from 4PM-7PM in the Chharanagar Library on Bungalow Area Road.

Atish Indrekar (above, left) is the organizer and host of the children's theatre workshop, Nov 3-Nov 5.

Playback Theatre


Beginning November 6, Budhan Theatre will set out on a new creative endeavor.  We will go to community homes and listen to people's stories.  We will then improvise a play and perform it on the spot based on what we hear.  This is to demonstrate that all people have a unique, valuable human story that is worthy of sharing.  Please check the Home Page for continuous updates on where/when these performances will take place.  We will also produce write ups following the performances, which can be accessed through our blog.

For the most up to date informatio on current projects, dates/locations/times of performances, workshops, and classes, and all other important Budhan Theatre programming, please visit our Home Page.  To read about some of Budhan Theatre's completed work, or to view updates on the status of projects, see write ups in our blog.

Thank you to the Bhasha Research and Publication Centre, parent organization of Budhan Theatre, for its continued support of Budhan Theatre and for making our efforts possible.

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